
Eleana's Blog

For hand rejuvenation, the Q-switch laser technique provides excellent results in terms of improving pigmentation and skin quality. In addition to this treatment, the volume of the hands can be restored through the use of a hyaluronic acid-based filler to give hydration and volume.
The procedure to correct the gum smile which, through the use of fillers based on hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin, harmonizes the volume of the upper lip and reduces gingival exposure.
Alopecia can be treated with mesotherapy, a technique that consists in the diffusion of medicines or active ingredients in an intradermal way, with the aim of reactivating the functioning of the hair follicles. In practice, these are small, not very deep injections, made directly into the scalp, with the intention of preventing hair loss, improving its density and quality.
Through the use of the CoaxMed device, a revolutionary platform because it combines the action of five different technologies in a single device, it is possible to drastically improve the majority of skin imperfections.
To counteract skin relaxation and remodel the adipose tissue and thus stimulate the production of collagen, it is possible to follow the CFU élife procedure, the customized aesthetic treatment according to the needs of each patient, through the setting of the energy and depth of action of the ultrasound emitted.
HIFU technology can be applied all over the face and body to heal flaccidity of the skin or to destroy fat cells. It is the only technique approved in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a valid complement to cosmetic surgery of the face, neck and chest.
The treatment consists of a biosuction for the remodeling of the silhouette with a technique that allows to definitively reduce the number of fat cells, as with liposuction, but with the difference of being a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment.
The use of high-density hyaluronic acid using fillers can restore the natural touch and look of your breasts and cleavage. Thanks to high-density hyaluronic acid fillers it is possible to restore a more compact and hydrated look to the area.
RadioCavitational Hydrolipoclasia is the ultrasonic solution for a healthy and slim body. Hydrolipoclasia is an application of aesthetic medicine which aims at the non-surgical treatment of localized adiposity. The treatment consists of the skin infiltration of a physiological solution and the subsequent use of ultrasounds to stimulate local circulation
Thanks to the development of increasingly innovative technologies and materials, over the last few years more and more people have started to rely on aesthetic medicine. Furthermore, since it is possible to improve one’s imperfections without surgery, even younger girls have begun to approach the world of beauty treatments.
Eleana Ferrari - expert advice - consigli per il paziente

Prof. Dr. Eleana Ferrari Papassava

Medico chirurgo, Biochimico e Nutrizionista che esercita principalmente in Italia, Inghilterra e Cipro. Con una lunga tradizione familiare indirizzata alla medicina e alla cura del benessere, Eleana è nota per il suo approccio olistico con il paziente, che le consente di armonizzare la ricerca del miglioramento estetico con il benessere globale dell’individuo.  

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