Neck treatment

  • Tipologia del trattamento
  • Durata del trattamento
  • Durata del risultato


Relaxed under-chin or double chin is one of the imperfections most hated by women: that adipose accumulation in the anterior portion of the neck. The solution is an aesthetic neck treatment. We are certainly talking about an imperfection that affects overweight and/or obese people. But, contrary to popular belief, this cosmetic defect is also recurrent in subjects who have a normal weight. To the point of being able to say that the expression “double chin” is actually misleading.

The treatment is performed quickly and painlessly, without the use of toxins, without side effects, obtaining immediate improvement with long lasting results. It is a non-surgical treatment with no recovery time.

Eleana Ferrari for neck treatment uses HIFU technology  ultrasound. It can be applied all over the face and body to heal flaccidity of the skin or to destroy fat cells. It is the only technique approved in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a valid complement to cosmetic surgery of the face, neck and chest.

The first results of the HIFU treatment are not immediately visible, although it is necessary to wait 2 or 3 months to be able to appreciate the final result.

Do you want to see results of neck treatment? Check out on my social pages.


HIFU supplies energy in the form of heat (from 75 to 80 ° C) to different skin states to stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen is responsible for the appearance of our skin and its production acts directly on elasticity, preventing it from yielding.

Depending on the settings of the machinery and the depth of the focused ultrasound used, it will be possible to intervene on the different levels of the dermis, producing different results. It is advisable to conclude the HIFU sessions and then evaluate the possibility of any retouching with injections after 1 or 2 months.


The HIFU, or focused ultrasound, can be used to treat both the face and the body, according to the patient’s needs:

✓ Face: useful for treating relaxed skin, especially in the oval of the face, for this reason it is also known as a non-surgical lifting. It can be used on the face and neck to treat dark circles, crow’s feet, barcode, loose eyebrow and upper eyelid, cleavage. Some areas of the face must be avoided in order not to damage very delicate tissues, such as the temples, the thyroid area, the trachea and the eye area.

✓ Body: HIFU is used to treat sagging skin on the arms, thighs and belly, but also to remove fat pads and cellulite. It is an extremely complete treatment, as it allows you to eliminate fat and at the same time tone the skin. This treatment helps avoid the unwanted effect of hollowed out skin because the treated fabrics will regain elasticity and tone.

From the first session, the skin appears smoother and more compact, the orange peel effect will gradually fade and thanks to the triple shaping, firming and regenerating effect.


A session lasts from 45 to 90 minutes depending on the area to be treated (from 45 to 60 minutes for the face, from 60 to 90 minutes for the body). Usually only one session is sufficient to treat a limited area, but in the event that the skin laxity is particularly accentuated or the fat mass is in excess, more sessions may be required, to be carried out with intervals of 1 month. This is a painless and non-invasive treatment, the patient may experience only a slight tingling sensation. Once the session is over, your skin may be slightly red, it will not show bruising or edema. You can wear makeup and return to your daily activities without problems. In the days following the treatment, slight pain and a feeling of muscle fatigue may occur, similar to that felt after a training session; it is completely normal and will disappear in the following days.



Skin laxity: the treated area will be rejuvenated, the skin more compact with fewer wrinkles. The final result will partly depend on factors such as age, metabolism, attention to skin care. As a general indication, definitive results will be visible after a month or a month and a half after treatment.

Volume remodeling: on average it will be possible to lose up to one size. The result will depend on factors such as metabolism, age, the patient’s consistency in following the doctor’s instructions. The results will start to be visible at week 3 or 4, while the final results can be appreciated after 2 months or even after 3 months.


The costs of a single HIFU session vary, depending on the area to be treated. With this necessary premise, it can be estimated that, currently, a single HIFU session has an average cost that varies between € 600 and € 800.


Why are the results visible after several months?
If you are using HIFU to work on the flaccidity of the skin, it will take your body some time to synthesize new collagen. If you use it for fat reduction, your body will need time to naturally remove the destroyed fat cells.
What are the contraindications?
HIFU is contraindicated for pregnant women, patients with hernia, skin lesions or bleeding patients. Women who are breastfeeding or patients with a pacemaker should also refrain from this procedure.
Can I complete the treatment with Botox and hyaluronic acid injections?
Yes, the advice is to conclude the HIFU sessions and then evaluate the possibility of any retouching with injections after 1 or 2 months.
Eleana Ferrari - expert advice - consigli per il paziente

Prof. Dr. Eleana Ferrari Papassava

Medico chirurgo, Biochimico e Nutrizionista che esercita principalmente in Italia, Inghilterra e Cipro. Con una lunga tradizione familiare indirizzata alla medicina e alla cura del benessere, Eleana è nota per il suo approccio olistico con il paziente, che le consente di armonizzare la ricerca del miglioramento estetico con il benessere globale dell’individuo.