Hand rejuvenation treatment

  • Tipologia del trattamento
  • Durata del trattamento
    15-30 minutes
  • Durata del risultato
    6 months


Our hands change with time due to the action of intrinsic and extrinsic factors of aging. Young skin has volume, elasticity and strength due to its natural collagen. Radiesse contains calcium-based microspheres (CaHA) to stimulate the production of the body’s own collagen for sustained effects. The skin on our hands is naturally thin but becomes thinner and rougher with time and with constant exposure to the sun and the elements. The solution? We call it hand rejuvenation treatment.

The latter affect the layers of the epidermis and dermis due to exposure to sunlight, chemicals or smoking and manifest themselves in the form of keratosis (dark and raised skin spots), freckles, hypopigmentation, solar purpura. The intrinsic factors of aging, on the other hand, alter the deeper layers of the tissues, reducing the elasticity, volume (atrophy) and vascularity of the dermis. Wrinkles appear, while the veins, joints and tendons become prominent, the skin thin, relaxed and translucent.

Laser therapy in the treatment of skin spots is decisive: a single session allows you to eliminate them, except in cases in which they are very numerous in the same area and the Doctor deems it appropriate to carry out two or more sessions.

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There are different types of hand rejuvenation treatments. One of these concerns the back of the hands and uses equipment such as the Q-switch laser, which provides excellent results in terms of improving pigmentation and skin quality. In addition to this treatment, the volume of the hands can be restored through the use of a hyaluronic acid-based filler. The advanced fillers have an interesting biostimulating effect on collagen fibers and are able to counteract all the typical signs of aging of the hands: thin and transparent skin, resorption of skin tissue and adipose layer, loss of elasticity, dry and itchy skin, deep wrinkles and hardened skin.


The Q-switch laser is definitely the most modern technique for the treatment of dark spots: it is able to eliminate them without leaving scars or pigmented skin residues. The laser emits pulses of less than one millisecond that selectively target the melanosome, the cellular organelle containing melanin without causing damage to the skin. Another undoubted advantage of this laser is that it can use a wavelength of 532 or 1064 nm, so by acting in a broad spectrum it can effectively treat numerous types of spots.

Already successfully applied to the face with the ability to define the contours and produce a lifting effect, the most modern and advanced HA-based fillers ensure a very effective rejuvenation of the hands. After performing a scrub and cleansing the hand, 2 to 4 injections will be made for each hand with a very fine needle. The treatment is not painful.

It is of fundamental importance not to expose yourself directly to sunlight, or tanning lamps, and to protect the skin with full sunscreen in the immediate post-surgical period.


The sessions of laser and filler treatment for hand spots  last around 30 minutes, take place in an outpatient setting and may include the use of anesthesia.


Immediately after the session, the attending physician will prescribe an antibiotic ointment for a few days. The treated area will remain red for some time. In some cases, crusts can form which will fall off spontaneously. The period of convalescence depends on the extent of hyperpigmentation and the individual ability to heal. In sensitive people, the redness can last up to a few weeks.

The result of the filler injected on the back of the hands is immediately visible, but improves as the hydroxyapatite stimulates the production of collagen fibers. The effects last up to 18 months and even beyond.


The cost of a single hand rejuvenation session ranges on average between € 400 and € 500. The result is immediate and the treatment can be repeated a couple of times a year to stabilize it and make it last.


How to prevent the appearance of skin spots?
During summer, sunbathing is a pleasant and regenerating ritual but it is necessary to think about our skin, which must be adequately protected to prevent or limit the onset of dark spots. During the year it is recommended to apply a cream or foundation with sunscreens to the face and hands daily; during summer, protection must be intensified. Go ahead, therefore, to high protections (or in any case appropriate to your phototype), avoiding exposure in the hottest hours, when the radiation is more intense and the rays perpendicular.
Is it a painful treatment?
It does not require anesthesia of any kind and is not painful for the patient: a preliminary dermatological examination is required to assess the problem, the suitability of this technique and to plan the execution.
What results can I expect?
In most cases the problem is completely resolved in 1 – 2 sessions. If the spots are very numerous or the skin is dark it may be necessary to repeat the treatment.
Are the results definitive? What treatment must be followed?
Generally, in any type of treatment, care must be taken as skin aging is in any case inevitable. In this regard, it is possible to use absorbable products. In general, since each case must be evaluated individually on the basis of the patient (age, use of sunscreen, hydration, etc.), the treatment can last 6 months to 1 year, and it is possible to combine different therapies (peeling , laser or stimulant treatments).
Eleana Ferrari - expert advice - consigli per il paziente

Prof. Dr. Eleana Ferrari Papassava

Medico chirurgo, Biochimico e Nutrizionista che esercita principalmente in Italia, Inghilterra e Cipro. Con una lunga tradizione familiare indirizzata alla medicina e alla cura del benessere, Eleana è nota per il suo approccio olistico con il paziente, che le consente di armonizzare la ricerca del miglioramento estetico con il benessere globale dell’individuo.