Breast and cleavage

  • Tipologia del trattamento
  • Durata del trattamento
  • Durata del risultato


Be it fair or modest, all a woman’s femininity hides in her breast. It’s probably because a woman follows the evolution of her breast since she was a teenager. She sees the developement as her becoming a woman.

This is precisely why underdeveloped or sagging breast can be a source of discomfort and low self-esteem. The dissatisfaction of one’s cleavage embraces several age groups.

In fact, we are talking about women in their fifties who, with the passing of the years, have suffered skin relaxation which is nothing more than a natural physiological process, or younger women who after maternity and breastfeeding , see their breast “emptied”, without tone and no longer feel desirable.

But in recent years even the very young in pursuit of beauty ideals have resorted to plastic surgery. It’s drastic choice that does not take into account less invasive solutions.

It is often believed that the skin of the face is the one most exposed areas to the risk of aging, but this is not the case, because even the breast and cleavage, and they are often neglected. The skin of breast and cleavage is delicate and thin and begins to show the first signs of aging from the age of 30. Skin aging begins around 20/25 years of age. It happens when the production of collagen and elastin begins to decrease, essential proteins for skin support, favoring a more elastic, hydrated and turgid skin.


The aggression of UV rays, pollution and atmospheric agents, in fact, also affects these delicate areas which, if not treated properly, risk aging prematurely. The signs on the breast and cleavage also depend on the position taken during the night. The dissatisfaction of one’s cleavage embraces several age groups: in fact, we are talking about women in their fifties who, with the passing of the years, have suffered skin relaxation which is nothing more than a natural physiological process, or younger women who after maternity and breastfeeding see their breast as “emptied”, without tone and no longer feel desirable.

What can we do to improve this skin laxity?

Non-invasive treatments, which do not involve any type of incision are:

  • Hyaluronic Acid Filler
  • Biorevitalization
  • Radio frequency
  • Cooperative hybrid complexes
  • Oxygen therapy


The use of high-density hyaluronic acid via fillers can restore the natural touch and look of your breast and cleavage. Thanks to high-density hyaluronic acid fillers it is possible to restore a more compact and hydrated look to the area.

Biorevitalization is a non-invasive treatment designed to restore tone and relaxed skin to your breast. It works through small injections of biocompatible and resorbable substances.

There are several non-invasive treatments that allow you to restore the elasticity and tone of your cleavage. Another one is fractional radiofrequency, which thanks to the energy emitted on the skin tissues, reaches deep inside the skin in the form of heat. It promotes the regeneration of collagen fibers and the stimulation of fibroblasts, thus allowing an increase in the density of the dermis.

Another methodology is the treatment with injections of Cooperative Hybrid Complexes that work on the production of collagen and elastin proteins and stimulate fat stem cells to give the skin a more plump effect.

Simultaneously we can carry out oxygen therapy which promotes the regeneration of the cells responsible for skin aging. More precisely, with this treatment it is possible to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the breast, restoring firmness and hydration; this happens because oxygen therapy favors the production of collagen by fibroblasts.


Usually there are cycles of at least 4/6 sessions, two weeks apart.


All these treatments help women gain back the wonderful sensation of enhancing their femininity to the maximum, having a compact cleavage without skin laxity


It starts from € 200 but it all depends on the treatment


Eleana Ferrari - expert advice - consigli per il paziente

Prof. Dr. Eleana Ferrari Papassava

Medico chirurgo, Biochimico e Nutrizionista che esercita principalmente in Italia, Inghilterra e Cipro. Con una lunga tradizione familiare indirizzata alla medicina e alla cura del benessere, Eleana è nota per il suo approccio olistico con il paziente, che le consente di armonizzare la ricerca del miglioramento estetico con il benessere globale dell’individuo.