Arm relaxation

  • Tipologia del trattamento
  • Durata del trattamento
    30-60 minutes
  • Durata del risultato


The part of the body most affected by sagging skin is undoubtedly the legs, especially in the inner thighs. The arms may also have sagging skin, as well as the buttocks, the breast area and the abdomen.Arm relaxation is the nightmare of all women, especially after the age of 40.

The skin located between the elbow and the armpit, in the area of ​​the triceps muscle, tends to lose elasticity and tone over the years and “drops” inexorably. The effect created is defined as “curtain arms” or “bat wings”.

There are many causes of arm relaxation

  • skin aging: it is a natural, gradual and inescapable process that we are all destined to encounter over the years. It is a process that begins very early, around the age of 25, although the effects can be more or less noticeable over the years depending on the person. At the cellular level, fibroblasts begin to decrease the production of collagen and elastin. They are two fundamental proteins for the structure, firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • sudden weight changes: In the event of sudden weight loss, the subcutaneous and adipose tissue are excessively emptied, causing an excess of skin on the surface that creates the “bat wings” effect.
  • poor physical activity: Relaxation and loss of muscle tone are very often symptoms of a sedentary lifestyle. As previously mentioned, the reduction in volume of the muscles in depth causes an excess of skin on the surface.
  • poorly balanced diet, often associated with poor hydration. A diet low in protein and omega 3 fatty acids, essential macronutrients for the health of muscle mass, can lead to a reduction of the latter. However, it is not only the muscles that are affected by nutritional deficiencies. The health of the skin itself also depends a lot on nutrition. Vitamin C, Vitamin E and minerals are essential for the connective tissue. In particular Vitamin C is a very important antioxidant for the synthesis of collagen.

Other causes

  • Alcohol, smoking, smog and UV rays, four elements that are detrimental to skin health (and health in general). Alcohol, in addition to being a very caloric substance, which in case of excessive consumption can cause weight gain, also causes a lot of dehydration. Smoke, smog and UV rays, on the other hand, cause the excessive formation in the body of free radicals, highly unstable molecules that damage the cellular structures of the skin.


To counteract skin relaxation and remodel the adipose tissue and thus stimulate the production of collagen, it is possible to follow the CFU élife procedure, the customized aesthetic treatment according to the needs of each patient, through the setting of the energy and depth of action of the ultrasound emitted. It is a non-surgical and therefore non-invasive treatment, through two cartridges that act at different depths, from 3.0 to 13 mm, allowing excellent remodeling of the adipose tissue and dermis. The ultrasound energy emitted by a handpiece placed on the skin reaches the deepest layer, a cooling system lowers the temperature on the skin surface increasing the safety of the procedure, the robotic technology allows a succession of focused energy points at high speed.

You can also take advantage of the CRYOLIPOSCULPT technique, which allows you to definitively reduce the number of fat cells, as it happens with Liposuction, but with the difference of being a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment. During the Cryoliposculpt procedure, the adipose tissue is cooled down to induce a lipolysis process, i.e. the destruction of only fat cells, in order to reduce adipose tissue and restore skin elasticity without damaging other tissues. At the same time the area exposed to the treatment can be subjected to contraction currents, modulated and with different shapes and impulses, emitted sequentially.



This treatment uses specialized ultrasound technology that concentrates its action deep into the tissue for the remodeling of the body’s contours. It is a non-surgical treatment with no recovery time. It can be used on multiple areas of the body including the abdomen, buttocks, knees, arms and legs. During the procedure the fat cells are damaged and the contents are dispersed through the vascular system and the lymphatic drainage. For a more intensive action, it is possible to make injections of hyaluronic acid with different molecular weights that moisturize the tissue and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.


A protective membrane is placed on the area to be treated.

The area to be treated is aspirated by the applicator. Up to four applicators can be used simultaneously to treat up to four areas in the same session. The tissue to be treated is kept in position between two “plates” through suction, and isolated from the surrounding tissue.

The vacuum effect increases blood flow in the treated area.

Fat cells are frozen in the tissue in contact with the cooling plates.

A sequence of modulated currents, different in the form of a pulse, cross the tissue between the two plates, thus generating involuntary contractions.


The duration of the treatment for both devices can vary between 30 and 60 minutes. Depending on the area to be treated and individual needs, 3 to 6 treatments may be required. In the same area, the interval between one treatment and the next should be at least 30 days. It can be used on all skin types and at all ages.

Clinical studies have shown that results are generally visible after about 45 days. For definitive results, it can take from 8 weeks to 6 months.


The results appear gradually starting from the third-fourth week, as the body disposes of the degraded adipocytes, and consolidate over a period of 2-4 months.

After the first treatment, the results are visible over the course of following weeks, reaching the maximum result after about 8 weeks.

A few days after the treatment, the treated fat cells begin a process called “apoptosis” and begin to reduce in number. These cells are slowly absorbed by the body over a few months. Some side effects may occur after treatment: redness which usually lasts about 30 – 60 minutes, temporary bruising, swelling, decreased sensation and temporary numbness of the treated area, slight tingling.

The procedure allows you to resume daily activities immediately, without the need for recovery time.



Flabby arms: what to do?
To firm up the underarms in a definitive way, it is recommended to contact an expert doctor, who, through the use of the techniques available and depending on the type of patient, will be able to intervene promptly to firm, drain, tone and reshape this delicate part of the female body.
What treatments are indicated for the relaxation of the arms?
We recommend the CFU ELIFE treatment for the remodeling of the body profile and CRYOLIPOSCULPT for the reduction of adipose tissue. Furthermore, we can also deal with this problem with injections of cooperative hybrid complexes of high and low molecular weight.
Who is the ideal candidate for HIFU FINESSE treatment?
Both women and men with at least 3 cm of fat in a given area can benefit from the treatment. Patients should have a normal-weight condition, with a body mass index (BMI) below 30.
How does HIFU FINESSE work on the body?
HIFU FINESSE uses focused ultrasound technology that concentrates its action deep into the tissue for the remodeling of the body’s contours and skin laxity. It is a non-surgical treatment with no recovery time required. It can be used on multiple areas of the body including the abdomen, buttocks, knees, arms and legs. During the procedure the fat cells are damaged and their content is dispersed through the vascular system and the lymphatic drainage.
What areas are commonly treated with Cryoliposculpt?
The abdomen, the hips, the so-called “love handles”, the inner and outer part of the thighs, arms, back, fat under the chin and areas where skin elasticity is required to be restored.
How many treatments are needed?
Depending on the area to be treated and individual needs, 3 to 6 treatments may be required. In the same area, the interval between one treatment and the other should be at least 30 days. It can be used on all skin types and ages.
How safe is the treatment and how effective is it?
Scientific studies show that fat reduction varies between 25–40% and the patient satisfaction rate is between 80 – 90%. It is non-invasive procedure where no scalpels or incisions are required. It also does not require anesthesia or drugs and there is no recovery time.
When are the results visible?
Clinical studies have shown that results are generally visible after about 45 days. For definitive results, it can take from 8 weeks to 6 months.
Eleana Ferrari - expert advice - consigli per il paziente

Prof. Dr. Eleana Ferrari Papassava

Medico chirurgo, Biochimico e Nutrizionista che esercita principalmente in Italia, Inghilterra e Cipro. Con una lunga tradizione familiare indirizzata alla medicina e alla cura del benessere, Eleana è nota per il suo approccio olistico con il paziente, che le consente di armonizzare la ricerca del miglioramento estetico con il benessere globale dell’individuo.