
  • Tipologia del trattamento
  • Durata del trattamento
    approx. 60 minutes
  • Durata del risultato
    6 months


The Cryoliposculpt  treatment consists of a biosuction for the remodeling of the silhouette. A technique that allows to definitively reduce the number of fat cells, as with liposuction, but with the difference of being a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment. The procedure allows you to resume daily activities immediately, without any recovery time. After the first treatment, the results are visible over the course of the following weeks, reaching the maximum result after about 8 weeks.

The treatment consists of a biosuction for the remodeling of the silhouette with a technique that allows to definitively reduce the number of fat cells, as with liposuction, but with the difference of being a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment.

Cryoliposculpt is a technique that allows to definitively reduce the number of fat cells. It exactly happens with liposuction, but with the difference of being a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment. The procedure allows you to resume daily activities immediately, without the need for recovery time. After the first treatment, the results are evident in the following weeks, reaching the maximum result after about 8 weeks.

During the procedure, the adipose tissue is cooled down to induce a lipolysis process, i.e. the destruction of only fat cells, in order to reduce adipose tissue and restore skin elasticity without damaging other tissues.

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Below are the indications for medical and aesthetic treatment:

  • PEFS Edemato-Fibro-Sclerotic Panniculopathy (Aesthetic Medicine)
  • Reduction of the subcutaneous adipose tissue through impulse electrostimulation (Purely Aesthetic)
  • LIPO DUO Skin Tone Treatment – Vacuum and pulse electrostimulation (Purely Aesthetic)


The procedure relies on the benefits of 3 powerful technologies:


Special applicators are applied on specific regions of the body triggering a controlled cooling process of the fat cells with consequent lipolysis.


The active suction of the applicators, continuous and adjustable according to need, ensures contact between the plates of the handpiece and the skin, alternating suction and release pulses essential to preserve the local microcirculation and tissues. The constant mobilization of the tissue eliminates the risk of surface freezing that occurs frequently with similar technologies. The active vacuum, with very short suction and release pulses, preserves blood microcirculation and ensures constant tissue mobilization, eliminating the risk of tissue and vascular damage.


Very short pulse cycles, modulated at low frequency and high intensity, generate tissue microcontractions in the absence of heat that induce better tissue tone by eliminating the skin laxity typical of the emptying of the tissue from the adipocyte component.

CoolFrequency technology stimulates neocollagenesis, neoangiogenesis and activates the lymphatic system, improving tissue trophism which restores skin elasticity.

The intensity of the biostimulant impulses is regulated according to tolerability, and is gradually increased to ensure maximum effectiveness and comfort.


The procedure lasts for approximately 60 minutes. When the treatment is over, the adipose tissue is gradually disposed of in a natural way through phagocytosis. Clinical studies have shown that results are generally visible after about 45 days. For definitive results, it can take from 8 weeks to 6 months.


Treatment protocols tested by a team of leading doctors and specialists, operating in over 60 countries around the world. Cryoliposculpt is part of a family of products tested and clinically proven to offer a safe and effective fat elimination treatment. The patented technologies offer all the advantages of a treatment without any discomfort or damage to tissues and microcirculation.


The treatment has an average price that varies between 500 and 1000 euros depending on the area to be treated or the number (one or more areas).


What is the Cryoliposculpt treatment?
During the Cryoliposculpt procedure, the adipose tissue is cooled down to induce a lipolysis process, i.e. the destruction of only fat cells, in order to reduce adipose tissue and restore skin elasticity without damaging other tissues. At the same time the area exposed to the treatment can be subjected to contraction currents, modulated and with different shapes and impulses, emitted sequentially.
What happens during the Cryoliposculpt treatment?
1. A protective membrane is placed on the area to be treated 2. The area is aspirated by the applicator. Up to four applicators can be used simultaneously to treat up to four areas during the same session. The tissue is held in position between two “plates” through suction, and isolated from the surrounding tissue 3. The vacuum effect increases the flow of blood in the treated area 4. In the tissue in contact with the cooling plates, the fat cells are lead to freezing 5. A sequence of currents, modulated and with different forms of impulses, pass through the tissue between the two plates, generating involuntary contractions 6. The duration of the procedure is about 60 minutes. When the treatment is over, the adipose tissue is gradually disposed of in a natural way through phagocytosis.
What areas are usually treated?
The abdomen, the hips, the so-called “love handles”, the inner and outer part of the thighs, arms, back, fat under the chin and areas where skin elasticity is required to be restored.
How many treatments are needed?
Depending on the area to be treated and individual needs, 1 to 4 treatments may be required. In the same area, the interval between one treatment and the other should be at least 30 days. It can be performed on all skin types and ages.
What can be expected during the treatment?
At first, when the handpiece is placed on the area to be treated, it is possible to feel a slight discomfort. After the controlled cooling of the fabric and the contraction effect generated by the modulated currents, a slight burning and tingling may be felt. Subsequently, the treated area is numb and cold, when the applicator is removed the treated area may feel frozen to the touch. A light massage quickly reduces this sensation.
What can be expected after the treatment?
A few days after the treatment, the fat cells begin a process called “apoptosis” and begin to decrease in number. These cells are slowly absorbed by the body over a few months. Some side effects may occur after treatment: redness, which usually lasts for about 30 – 60 minutes, temporary bruising, swelling, decreased sensation and temporary numbness of the treated area, slight tingling.
How safe is the treatment and how effective is it?
Scientific studies show that fat reduction varies between 25–40% and the patient satisfaction rate is between 80 – 90%. It is a non-invasive treatment and no needles, scalpels or incisions are required. It also does not require anesthesia or drugs and there is no recovery time.
When are the results visible?
Clinical studies show that results are generally visible after about 45 days. For definitive results, it can take from 8 weeks to 6 months.
Eleana Ferrari - expert advice - consigli per il paziente

Prof. Dr. Eleana Ferrari Papassava

Medico chirurgo, Biochimico e Nutrizionista che esercita principalmente in Italia, Inghilterra e Cipro. Con una lunga tradizione familiare indirizzata alla medicina e alla cura del benessere, Eleana è nota per il suo approccio olistico con il paziente, che le consente di armonizzare la ricerca del miglioramento estetico con il benessere globale dell’individuo.