
All aesthetic treatments

3D Halift®

3D Halift® Bioregeneration

The Bioregeneration treatment with 3D HaLift® HALIFT Protocol is the non-surgical face lifting invented by Dr. Eleana Ferrari, based on biotechnological Hyaluronic Acid, for the shock treatment of aging, loss of tone and skin laxity. , used in synergy with focused ultrasounds (HIFU elife) which help to smooth and restore skin firmness and elasticity.


Alopecia treatment

Alopecia can be treated with mesotherapy, a technique that consists in the diffusion of medicines or active ingredients in an intradermal way, with the aim of reactivating the functioning of the hair follicles. In practice, these are small, not very deep injections, made directly into the scalp, with the intention of preventing hair loss, improving its density and quality.


Anticellulite treatments

Through the use of the CoaxMed device, a revolutionary platform because it combines the action of five different technologies in a single device, it is possible to drastically improve the majority of skin imperfections.

Arm relaxation , rilassamento delle braccia

Arm relaxation

To counteract skin relaxation and remodel the adipose tissue and thus stimulate the production of collagen, it is possible to follow the CFU élife procedure, the customized aesthetic treatment according to the needs of each patient, through the setting of the energy and depth of action of the ultrasound emitted.

Barcode lip line

Barcode lip line removal

As years go by, the signs of aging are increasingly visible on the face. One of the most difficult blemishes to disguise is the so-called ‘bar code’ lip lines or smoker’s wrinkle.


Beautification technique

Multi-procedure to restore the harmony of the aesthetic areas of the face, prevent and delay the aging process. Currently, integrated approaches involve the use of various substances, procedures and technologies that follow a careful analysis of the face, useful for planning a personalized treatment and ‘beautification’ path.

Biostimulation with mesotherapy - biostimolazione

Biostimulation with mesotherapy

Biostimulation, also called biorevitalization, is an anti-aging aesthetic medicine treatment where vital tissues are stimulated to produce physiological substances responsible for rejuvenation. This treatment is applied to the face and in every region of the body that needs rejuvenation and is useful for moisturizing, replenishing and toning the skin, especially in periods of seasonal change.ionale.

blepharoplasty - blefaroplastica

Blepharoplasty with Plasmawave®

Bags under the eyes, swollen, heavy or drooping eyelids contribute to the sad and tired look of your gaze.

botulinum toxin - tossina botulinica

Botulinum toxin

Botulinum toxin is indicated for the treatment of mimic wrinkles, expression lines, frontal wrinkles, wrinkles and glabellar furrows, crow’s feet (wrinkles around the eyes), axillary hyperhidrosis, hyperhidrosis of feet and hands. The aesthetic result of this treatment is so satisfying that it completely replaces surgery and lifting procedures.

Breasts - seno e decolletè

Breast and cleavage

The use of high-density hyaluronic acid using fillers can restore the natural touch and look of your breasts and cleavage. Thanks to high-density hyaluronic acid fillers it is possible to restore a more compact and hydrated look to the area.

Rimozione capillari - Capillary removal

Capillary removal

High intensity pulsed light and laser are successfully used for the treatment of broken capillaries of the face (such as couperose) and body (such as telangiectasias). Phototherapy is a delicate, painless and risk-free treatment from thermal damage, achievable in one, maximum six, sessions of a few minutes.

CFU Elife

CFU Elife

CFU Elife is a treatment that is carried out through a machine that, thanks to high-intensity ultrasounds, reshapes the face and body by acting deeply on the skin to fight laxity and restore tone.


Anticellulite treatments

Through the use of the CoaxMed device, a revolutionary platform because it combines the action of five different technologies in a single device, it is possible to drastically improve the majority of skin imperfections.

Arm relaxation , rilassamento delle braccia

Arm relaxation

To counteract skin relaxation and remodel the adipose tissue and thus stimulate the production of collagen, it is possible to follow the CFU élife procedure, the customized aesthetic treatment according to the needs of each patient, through the setting of the energy and depth of action of the ultrasound emitted.

Breasts - seno e decolletè

Breast and cleavage

The use of high-density hyaluronic acid using fillers can restore the natural touch and look of your breasts and cleavage. Thanks to high-density hyaluronic acid fillers it is possible to restore a more compact and hydrated look to the area.



The treatment consists of a biosuction for the remodeling of the silhouette with a technique that allows to definitively reduce the number of fat cells, as with liposuction, but with the difference of being a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment.

hand treatment - trattamento ringiovanimento mani

Hand rejuvenation treatment

For hand rejuvenation, the Q-switch laser technique provides excellent results in terms of improving pigmentation and skin quality. In addition to this treatment, the volume of the hands can be restored through the use of a hyaluronic acid-based filler to give hydration and volume.

Neck treatments

Neck treatment

HIFU technology can be applied all over the face and body to heal flaccidity of the skin or to destroy fat cells. It is the only technique approved in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a valid complement to cosmetic surgery of the face, neck and chest.

Shape & Tight - Shape&Tight

Shape & Tight

RadioCavitational Hydrolipoclasia is the ultrasonic solution for a healthy and slim body.
Hydrolipoclasia is an application of aesthetic medicine which aims at the non-surgical treatment of localized adiposity. The treatment consists of the skin infiltration of a physiological solution and the subsequent use of ultrasounds to stimulate local circulation

Body - Face
Rimozione capillari - Capillary removal

Capillary removal

High intensity pulsed light and laser are successfully used for the treatment of broken capillaries of the face (such as couperose) and body (such as telangiectasias). Phototherapy is a delicate, painless and risk-free treatment from thermal damage, achievable in one, maximum six, sessions of a few minutes.

CFU Elife

CFU Elife

CFU Elife is a treatment that is carried out through a machine that, thanks to high-intensity ultrasounds, reshapes the face and body by acting deeply on the skin to fight laxity and restore tone.

Rimozione macchie - skin spot

Skin spot and tattoo removal with Q-Switched laser

The Q-Switched laser technology, thanks to very short duration pulses that selectively interact with skin blemishes, offers effective and fast results.

blepharoplasty - blefaroplastica

Blepharoplasty with Plasmawave®

Bags under the eyes, swollen, heavy or drooping eyelids contribute to the sad and tired look of your gaze.

Eyebrow and forehead filler - Filler fronte e sopracciglia

Eyebrow and forehead filler

Procedure that uses light HA-based fillers, which allow to raise the external part of the eyebrows and to stretch the skin at the level of the temples and the lateral portion of the eyes. The purpose is to smooth out the wrinkles of the forehead, but also to help eliminate the tendency of the skin to regain its unwelcome shape.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty - blefaroplastica non chirurgica

Non-surgical blepharoplasty

Non-surgical blepharoplasty, performed using a state-of-the-art instrument, acts on the excess skin of the eyelids without having to perform incisions.

Tear Trough Filler - solco lacrimale

Tear Trough Filler

Correction of the lacrimal sulcus is the ideal treatment for those who want to eliminate dark circles and improve the lower eyelid bags

3D Halift®

3D Halift® Bioregeneration

The Bioregeneration treatment with 3D HaLift® HALIFT Protocol is the non-surgical face lifting invented by Dr. Eleana Ferrari, based on biotechnological Hyaluronic Acid, for the shock treatment of aging, loss of tone and skin laxity. , used in synergy with focused ultrasounds (HIFU elife) which help to smooth and restore skin firmness and elasticity.


Alopecia treatment

Alopecia can be treated with mesotherapy, a technique that consists in the diffusion of medicines or active ingredients in an intradermal way, with the aim of reactivating the functioning of the hair follicles. In practice, these are small, not very deep injections, made directly into the scalp, with the intention of preventing hair loss, improving its density and quality.


Beautification technique

Multi-procedure to restore the harmony of the aesthetic areas of the face, prevent and delay the aging process. Currently, integrated approaches involve the use of various substances, procedures and technologies that follow a careful analysis of the face, useful for planning a personalized treatment and ‘beautification’ path.

Biostimulation with mesotherapy - biostimolazione

Biostimulation with mesotherapy

Biostimulation, also called biorevitalization, is an anti-aging aesthetic medicine treatment where vital tissues are stimulated to produce physiological substances responsible for rejuvenation. This treatment is applied to the face and in every region of the body that needs rejuvenation and is useful for moisturizing, replenishing and toning the skin, especially in periods of seasonal change.ionale.

botulinum toxin - tossina botulinica

Botulinum toxin

Botulinum toxin is indicated for the treatment of mimic wrinkles, expression lines, frontal wrinkles, wrinkles and glabellar furrows, crow’s feet (wrinkles around the eyes), axillary hyperhidrosis, hyperhidrosis of feet and hands. The aesthetic result of this treatment is so satisfying that it completely replaces surgery and lifting procedures.

gummy smile - sorriso gengivale

Gummy Smile

The procedure to correct the gum smile which, through the use of fillers based on hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin, harmonizes the volume of the upper lip and reduces gingival exposure.

hyaluronic acid - acido ialuronico

Hyaluronic acid

The cosmetic properties of hyaluronic acid are essential for restoring an optimal level of hydration, regenerating the skin’s hydrolipidic barrier, stimulating proper collagen synthesis, limiting inflammatory phenomena, making our skin smooth and compact once again.

Mid face contouring - Contouring Midface

Mid face contouring

The valid ally to work on your face and modify some somatic features, respecting the three key principles of beauty: symmetry, balance and harmony. The filler works almost counterintuitively for the patient: it adds, reshapes instead of removing. The definition of the face does not therefore take place by emptying or digging the face, but by resizing the volume thanks to a personalized study of the individual case.

profiloplastica non chirurgica ; Non-surgical profileplasty

Non-surgical Profilo Plasty

Non-surgical profileplasty is a technique that allows you to harmonize the profile of a face, giving the forehead, nose, lips and chin the right volume and the right projections according to the golden rule. In the aesthetic evaluation of the face, the relationship between cheekbones, nose and chin is often not analyzed correctly since the profile is not a constant entity, but is influenced by age, culture and the historical period.

Viscoderm HydroBooster - Viscoderm HydroBooster, hyaluronic acid treatment to reduce and counteract the effects of the skin aging process.


An innovative stabilized hyaluronic acid that reduces and counteracts the effects of skin aging thanks to water restoration in the dermis and tissue bio-restructuring. Its uniqueness consists in associating the typical characteristics of each hyaluronic acid-based revitalizer with a mechanical stretching action of superficial imperfections, called Hydrostretching.

rinofiller - Rhinofiller


The Rhinofiller is an aesthetic medical technique to meet the needs of men and women who wish to model the shapes of their nose. Unlike surgery, this treatment is non-invasive and does not involve scarring.

Rhinofiller is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require the patient to be hospitalized. The treatment takes place through micro-injections of hyaluronic acid on the nose, in different areas.

Skin Tightening

Skin Tightening with Intraject

Treatment performed with Intraject, the latest-generation medical device which brings together three technologies of proven clinical efficacy, radiofrequency, electroporation, plasma energy. Intraject is composed of three generators that operate with different frequencies and pulses, controlled by very sophisticated software.

Barcode lip line

Barcode lip line removal

As years go by, the signs of aging are increasingly visible on the face. One of the most difficult blemishes to disguise is the so-called ‘bar code’ lip lines or smoker’s wrinkle.

lip sculture - filler labbra

Lip sculpture

Thanks to the development of increasingly innovative technologies and materials, over the last few years more and more people have started to rely on aesthetic medicine. Furthermore, since it is possible to improve one’s imperfections without surgery, even younger girls have begun to approach the world of beauty treatments.

Miofill filler labbra


Lip fillers are filling materials, of natural and / or synthetic derivation, which are injected with the help of thin needles inside the labial mucosa or along its contour. Before proceeding with the inoculation of the filler, the specialist must take into consideration the biological and chemical-physical characteristics of the substance used.


Skin science has never looked so good

Born from the constant commitment of Dr. ELEANA PAPASAVVA FERRARI, biochemical expert, aesthetic doctor and nutritionist, the REJUVE CLINICEUTICALS brand is synonym of high quality at the service of aesthetic medicine. A qualified research and development team works on the formulation and creation of highly performing products with high concentrations of active ingredients which, taking advantage of the unique properties of nanotechnology, penetrate deeply into the skin to better perform their functionality.

Six product lines and two home treatment kits for every skin type and need, capable of significantly increasing the general well-being of each individual.

Discover all products on BIOTEC ITALIA

Eleana Ferrari - expert advice - consigli per il paziente

Prof. Dr. Eleana Ferrari Papassava

Prof. Dr. Eleana Ferrari is a surgeon, biochemist and nutritionist practicing mainly in Italy, England and Cyprus. With a long family tradition of medicine and wellness care, Eleana is known for her holistic approach to the patient , as she harmonizes the search for aesthetic improvement with the overall well-being of the individual.

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