Blepharoplasty with Plasmawave®

  • Type of treatment
  • Duration of treatment
  • Duration of result


Blepharoplasty is the cosmetic surgery which, by intervening on the eye contour area, allows you to restore freshness and brightness to your eyes. You can improve the aesthetics and functionality of the eyelids by removing or remodeling in a personalized way the skin, muscle tissue and excess fat.

Bags under the eyes, swollen, heavy or drooping eyelids contribute to the sad and tired look of your gaze. These are imperfections related to one’s chromosomes, to heredity. They become accentuated with the passing of the years, and which can also interfere with vision, in the case of drooping eyelids, and that lead to a clear and visible “age certificate”. But they are also imperfections that are difficult to fight without resorting to plastic surgery.

In most cases, to eliminate the excess skin localized in the eyelid, the classic cosmetic surgery is used, performed under local anesthesia with partial sedation not free from risks and complications. Our protocols, on the contrary, allow us to perform a non-surgical blepharoplasty. In our treatment the excess skin is removed without the use of a scalpel but with the aid of an innovative machine called Intraject. It uses Plasmawave® technology to eliminate the imperfection of the eyelid.



Intraject is a state-of-the-art medical device that allows you to treat tissues, sublimating them, thanks to the use of the fourth state of matter: Plasma. Intraject uses the principle of ionization of the gases contained in the air to form a small electric arc, similar to a tiny lightning bolt, with which a superficial and circumscribed “evaporation” of the affected dermal and epidermal areas is obtained. This blepharoplasty technique is defined as “non-ablative” as it is performed without incising, without removing excess skin, without removing fat and without modifying the orbicular muscle. The technique can also be used to treat the adjacent skin under the tail of the eyebrow in order to increase the opening of the gaze


The energy produced in the form of Plasma (glow) generates an increase in temperature in the very first tissue layer capable of generating tissue vaporization / sublimation. Plasmawave® technology uses plasma energy to induce micro-sparks on the skin surface by creating micro-ablation points, triggering a natural regeneration process.

The treatment begins with the application of an anesthetic cream which is left to absorbe for about 45 minutes. Once the anesthetic has been removed, small spots are made spaced apart from each other with the Intraject handpiece, at the level of the excess eyelid tissue, with consequent sublimation of punctate areas of skin (direct passage from the solid to the gaseous or aeriform state) . Each of these spots sublimates without causing bleeding and damaging surrounding tissues.

Neither stitches nor dressings or plasters are required. Immediately after the treatment, the patient must cover the treated area with foundation, which has the dual function of protecting from UV rays and masking redness. Very small crusts will appear that will fall off after a few days. Of fundamental importance for the success of the treatment is that the patient follows the advice given by the doctor for the entire duration of the post-treatment phase.


The session lasts about 10-15 minutes, during which the patient is invited to open and close his eyes in order to optimize the aesthetic result. At the end of the treatment, the patient can safely resume his daily activities. To avoid swelling and discomfort and to optimize the result, it is preferable to divide the treatment into four sessions, even if two are enough for mild cases.


The eyelid retraction effect is appreciated immediately and the result, visible as soon as the session is finished, will last over time, which varies from a few months to even years, depending on the patient’s lifestyle.


The non-surgical blepharoplasty treatment involves a personalized protocol based on the most suitable therapeutic plan, the cost of which varies from 200 euros to 350 euros per session.


What is non-surgical blepharoplasty?
Non-surgical blepharoplasty is carried out using latest generation technological systems, the best known is Plexr, which is used for Plasma Exeresi which shortens the excess skin of the upper and lower eyelids without having to cut to remove it.
At what age can non-surgical blepharoplasty be performed?
There is no specific age for non-surgical blepharoplasty. This can always be done when there are the right indications.
Why do ophthalmologists also recommend this aesthetic intervention?
Because very often the prolapse of the eyelid, that is, the excess skin that folds in on itself and covers the eye, can create numerous vision problems. For example, the reduction of the visual field causes eye fatigue and persistent headaches. The lack of an adequate eye opening can cause redness or irritation that cause vision problems.
What are the complications of the treatment?
After the treatment, small crusts form which will fall off within a few days. When the scabs fall, there will be a rosy skin that must be protected from the sun. There are no bruises. It is possible to have swelling of the eyelid for a few days.
Does blepharoplasty also serve to modify congenital defects?
Yes, this surgery can correct some congenital aspects, for example the famous drooping eyes, or the downward orientation of the corner of the eye. Our expression changes considerably if the corner of our eye is pointing downwards or upwards. In the second case our gaze appears brighter. Blepharoplasty is able to correct the outer canthus of the eye, but also another imperfection: eyebrows too close to the eye opening.
How long does it take to obtain a satisfactory result?
Usually the final result is obtained in 3-4 sessions, spaced a month apart from each other.
Can a botulinum toxin treatment be done after blepharoplasty without surgery?
It can be done both before and after, the timing must be agreed with your doctor.
What precautions must be taken after a non-surgical blepharoplasty?
In areas treated with Plasmawave® technology, small crusts will form. The area can be washed with Marseille soap and disinfected twice a day with benzalkonium chloride-based eye drops. It is also advisable to protect the area from sun exposure with specific foundation.
How long do I need to wait to wear glasses and lenses?
Glasses can be worn immediately. For lenses, on the other hand, since their application affects the eyelids, it will be necessary to wait for the disappearance of the crusts.
Eleana Ferrari - expert advice - consigli per il paziente

Prof. Dr. Eleana Ferrari Papassava

Surgeon, Biochemist and Nutritionist who mainly practices in Italy, England and Cyprus. With a long family tradition of medicine and wellness care, Eleana is known for her holistic approach with patients, which allows her to harmonize the search for aesthetic improvement with the overall well-being of the individual.