
Eleana's Blog

Thanks to the development of increasingly innovative technologies and materials, over the last few years more and more people have started to rely on aesthetic medicine. Furthermore, since it is possible to improve one’s imperfections without surgery, even younger girls have begun to approach the world of beauty treatments.
Lip fillers are filling materials, of natural and / or synthetic derivation, which are injected with the help of thin needles inside the labial mucosa or along its contour. Before proceeding with the inoculation of the filler, the specialist must take into consideration the biological and chemical-physical characteristics of the substance used.
As years go by, the signs of aging are increasingly visible on the face. One of the most difficult blemishes to disguise is the so-called ‘bar code’ lip lines or smoker’s wrinkle.
Eleana Ferrari - expert advice - consigli per il paziente

Prof. Dr. Eleana Ferrari Papassava

Medico chirurgo, Biochimico e Nutrizionista che esercita principalmente in Italia, Inghilterra e Cipro. Con una lunga tradizione familiare indirizzata alla medicina e alla cura del benessere, Eleana è nota per il suo approccio olistico con il paziente, che le consente di armonizzare la ricerca del miglioramento estetico con il benessere globale dell’individuo.  

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