Beauty is inspired by three key principles: symmetry, balance and harmony. In time, the face loses its tone and the skin becomes thinner, marking itself easily. A compulsive search for the perfect selfie (the so-called selfiemania) does not help. If one doesn’t choose the right angle or three quarter pose, it can result in an exaggerated protrusion even when it is not present. Read more about mid face contouring.
This practice is assimilated to “face contouring”, something women are already familiar with, as it’s a very popular technique used to apply make-up at a strategic level, to reproduce the optical illusion mentioned above. Certainly contouring using specific make-up products (first of all primers and foundations, then powders and blushes) is a valid ally to work on your face and modify some somatic features, just like wearing a mask.
Kylie Jenner has built her empire on top of mid face contouring. She opened a cosmetics house that has made contouring products its workhorse. But she herself stated in multiple interviews that, even before makeup, it was fillers that literally changed her life and ultimately her facial features. In fact, fillers act temporarily, but with a prolonged effect: the effect lasts for about six months, and can be repeated indefinitely.
It should not be underestimated that this type of intervention is also in great demand by male patients. In some way also connected to the new brotox. For women, a softer but still defined cut is preferred, such as that of Kylie or Cara Delavigne, to be combined with the bichectomy if necessary.